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Summer 2019


Lorient Festival Interceltique (02/08/2019 to 11/08/2019)

Ilow Splann enjoyed an excellent 10 days at the Lorient Festival Interceltique as part of the  Cornwall and Isles of Man delegation at the Lorient Festival Interceltique, giving a number of performances on the Cornwall and Isles of Man stage.





In addition the duo attended a number of workshops, watched a a lot of Celtic music and dance and enjoyed sight seeing around Lorient. A notable excursion being a trip along the estuary on the "Bateau Bus" to see the U boat pens.

Ilow Splann also made the festival highlights on Welsh TV.


Other Highlights

Whilst the Lorient Festval was the highlight of the Ilow Splann year the duo played at a number of other interesting and enjoyable events including Trevithick Day, Lostfest, Oak Apple Day, playing at Mary Newman's (Sir Francis Drake's wife) Cottage , a South Cornwall Helping Refugees event, appearances at Stuart House and more.

In addition to the Cornish folk music and early music Ilow Splann performed more Baroque pieces following Maggie acquiring a spinet. Other new directions included "herb music" for a Stuart House "Focus on Herbs" exhibition, new tunes written inspired by the Lorient Festival and creative arrangements by Maggie and Carlton for the Ilow Splann and Liskeard Silver Band concert.


















2019 finished off with an excellent performance at Lostwithiel Dickensian Evening. Playing in the wintery streets set things up nicely for  set in the Church Rooms which was enjoyed by audience and Carlton and Maggie alike.


Ilow Splann CD

Ilow Splann's debut cd "Cornish Music for Dancing and Reflection" is now avialable.

Ilow Splann Show Reel: some extracts from the Ilow Splann cd

For ordering contact Carlton at

Ilow Splann Show Reel - Unknown Ilow Splann
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Liskeard Silver Band and Ilow Splann

St. Martin's Church Liskeard 27th January

We're pleased to announce that "A Cornish Concert" at St. Martin's Church went very well. The Silver Band played nicely under Ann Brown's direction and Steve Brown's new arrangements of Cornish tuness (based on material from Ralph Dunstans "Cornish Songbook (1929)) were apppreciated.

St,. Martin's Church is a fantastic place to perform music. and Maggie and Carlton both enjoyed playing the concert and the soundcheck.

As part of a cooperative venture Maggie and Carlton wrote new arrangements. Maggie produced a score for three brass and recorder and violin for Hilary Coleman's "Awerl Vase". Carlton tackled two traditional Cornish tunes "Nine Brave Boys" and "Liskeard Fair" and produced original arrangements for a mid sized brass ensemble. Following advice from Ann Brown (Liskeard Silver Band Music Director) parts were duplicated to enable Carlton's arrangements to be played by the entire Silver Band plus border pipes and bodhran ("Nine Brave Boys") and Silver Band and two descant recorders ("Liskeard Fair"). 

The performances of Maggie and Carlton's arrangements went very well: not perfect by any means but a very uplifting testament to the skills and determinations aof all involved.

Ilow Splann launched their new cd at the concert and first night sales were encouraging!

A lot of hard work and enthusiasm and good spirit went into the Sunday night "A Cornish Concert"and the night itself was thoroughly enjoyable. 

Ilow Splann's cd "Cornish Music for Dancing and Reflection was officially launched at "A Cornish Concert". First night sales were good!

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Christmas 2018


Ilow Splann were joined by Pauline McKeogh to form "Bagas Donsya Ilow Splann" for the evening's performance in Liskeard Public Hall.. Also thank you to Tim for leading the dancing. 

An interesting night starting the advent season in Liskeard. In conjunction with Golden Tree Promotions and Liskeard Town Council.

Lostwithiel's "Dickensian Evening" and Liskeard's "Nadelik Liskerrys" were highlights of Ilow Splann's pre Chstmas performances. Both events went well and were full of festive cheer and good will. 

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October 2018

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A happy evening of dancing and music making in Widegates Village Hall. Ilow Splann provided the music whilst Jo Tagney lead the dancing.

Hopefully we'll have a similar evening again,

Ilow Splann Web pages designed by Carlton Crouch 

© 2017 Ilow Splann created with

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